Customized On-Demand Solution for Your Toughest Programs.

We blend a unique methodology and patented tech for automation, scalability, and precision in complex projects.

Mergers & Integrations | Finance Transformations | Work Modernization | Product Development | Organization Architecture & Redesign

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What Clients Say

  • "We are up 9% in Q1 after a decade of decline. We keep reaching higher, and it's a lot of fun. THANK YOU!"

    CEO, Fortune 500 Insurance Company

  • "Huge thanks to S&A! We would not have been able to get the organization to this stage without your help."

    Sr. Director, IT Strategy and Transformation, Media & FS

  • "Early on, S&A quickly understood our BU's differences and that, from my perspective, was truly appreciated."

    VP Software Systems, Private Equity Portfolio Company

  • "It was great catching up. Also, I wanted to let you know that the intake vision keeps developing and I am happy with the solution you built."

    VP of IT, Telecommunications Company